• Worldviews

right versus wrong, aka

Guilt vs. Innocence

    • There’s a right way to do something & a wrong way to do something

    • Conduct is internalized - it’s right for me

    • Avoid trouble with authorities

    • Guilt complexes

    • Innocence is being okay; I’m ok - you’re ok

    • Good guys vs. bad guys

    • Make things acceptable to avoid guilt

    • Rightness is righteousness

    • God loves you & offers a wonderful plan for your life

    • People are sinful and condemned by God

    • Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice for your sins

    • You must receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior

    • Truth encounters

    • Reasoning & head knowledge

    • Salvation is freedom from guilt & condemnation - being saved from sins and being made right with God.

Shame vs. Honor

    • Preserve honor, hide shame

    • Everything is seen in terms of bringing shame or honor on the group - wherever you go, you are a representative of your group, family, tribe, country, etc.

    • Relationships are key

    • Hospitality

    • Lying can be ok

    • You’re only guilty if you are caught

    • Customs are driven by what is honorable

    • Some say: shame can only be covered by blood

    • God values you and wants to honor you as His child

    • People are shameful and dishonor God

    • Jesus Christ bore all your shame and restores honor

    • You must give allegiance to Jesus to enter God’s family

    • Further concepts: dirty/clean, naked/clothed, expelled/visited, weakness/strength, sick/healed

    • Need community encounters


Fear vs. Power

    • Attempt to gain power over forces at work in their day to day lives

    • Try to get peace through power

    • See the supernatural at work in crop growth, sickness, & even romance

    • Fear of man

    • Fatalism, witchcraft, superstition

    • Manipulation and flattery

    • Knowledge is power

    • Amulets & charms, spells, rituals, taboos

    • God is sovereign and offers you spiritual authority

    • People are under the authority of Satan

    • Jesus Christ is the warrior who restores our power

    • You must know Jesus to access divine power

    • Share power encounters and power acts of God