Why Stories?

Well, let me tell you a story…

Christine Dillon wrote the book on Bible Storying. Here she explains why storytelling is effective - through stories, of course! The whole talk is good, but we especially like the story told from 4:06 to 8:30.

Sample Story Sets

Ideas for transitioning into a story…

  • That reminds me of a story…

  • I’m practicing becoming a better storyteller. Can I tell you a story I’m working on?

Possible Follow-Up Questions

  • Have you ever heard this story before?

  • Does anything surprise you from this story?

  • What can we learn about God from this story?

  • What do you think of the story?

  • Do you know anyone who needs to hear this story?

  • What do you think God would do?
    {to ask in the middle of a story or to tie one story to the next}


Henna is an amazing tool for opening conversations and visually telling stories. Check out these story designs from Asian, African, and Mid. Eastern cultures!
